Contact Lens Eye Exam

Eye Exams for Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are a fantastic alternative to wearing eyeglasses every day, but before you get contact lenses, you have to undergo an eye exam for contact lenses.

Why Are Eye Exams For Contact Lenses So Important?

There are several reasons why you should get an eye exam at our Chalmette optical if you’re hoping to wear contact lenses. For one, everyone’s eyes are different and it’s very possible for your eyes to differ from one another. In addition, the current state of your eyes will heavily influence what type of contact lenses we prescribe.

What Do Contact Lens Eye Exams Entail?

Comprehensive Eye Exam
When determining what contact lenses may work well for you, our Chalmette eye doctor must conduct a comprehensive eye exam so we can learn about your eye shape, if you have any underlying eye conditions, and what your day-to-day life is like.

Contact Lenses Consultation
We will also take a look at your current prescription and then proceed with a consultation. It is during this consultation when we ask you questions about your lifestyle and what you’re looking for in contact lenses. We offer multiple types of contact lenses, including disposable, soft, and rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses.

Determining The Right Fit For Contact Lenses

Everyone’s eyes are unique, just like them, so it is crucial that we accurately measure your eyes so we can order your customized, perfectly-fitting contact lenses. Utilizing our state-of-the-art tools and technology to measure the eyes, these are the measurements we will take:

The Curvature Of Your Cornea
In order to be comfortable in contact lenses, the lens has to curve along with your eye. We will use our specialized instruments to measure how your cornea (front surface) curves. If you have astigmatism, then the curve of your eye isn’t as round as others who don’t have astigmatism. In this case, you may greatly benefit from our specialized toric lenses, which are designed for patients who have astigmatism.

The Size Of Your Pupil/Iris
Using a bio-microscope, slit lamp, or a traditional ruler, our Chalmette eye doctor may also measure the size of your pupil or your iris, which is the colored area of the eye that surrounds your pupil. If you are considering Gas Permeable contacts, this is a crucial measurement.

Tear Film Evaluation
Contact lenses may cause dry, irritated, or itchy eyes if they are not properly lubricated. In severe cases, contacts may actually damage the eye, so we must measure how much tear film you produce. We do this by placing a liquid dye in your eyes and examining your tears with a slit lamp or by placing a special paper under the eyelid to collect your tears. Depending on how much moisture is produced, we may recommend contact lenses that reduce dryness of the eye or that you stick with your eyeglasses.

Contact Lens Trial
Before our Chalmette eye doctor can order your contact lenses, we will insert a pair of brand new trial lenses in your eye. After 15-20 minutes, we will evaluate how well they fit, movement, and if they affect your tear film. If they seem like a good fit, we will order your contact lenses and provide instructions on how to safely maintain, wear, and store them.

Follow-Up Appointment
Because we want to make sure that your contacts continue to fit properly and your eyes are adjusting, we may ask you to come back to our Chalmette optometrist. If you are having any issues, we may try different lenses or recommend you make some small adjustments in how you wear and care for them.